Timber Reclamation
Ashwell’s EU Waste Framework Directive 2008 and UK Waste Regulations 2011 compliance services ensure you meet your obligations by efficiently and sustainably reclaiming reusable timber from waterway or marine sites and removing metal contaminants so that it can be used again.

Any organisation, regardless of size, that removes timber during a renovation, refurbishment or demolition project needs to make sure they’re compliant with EU Waste Framework Directive 2008 and UK Waste Regulations 2011. In addition, for those responsible for the removal of treated marine timber, it also important to consider the Environment Agencies hazardous waste regulations now classify preservative-treated timber as Group D (hazardous), therefore it cannot be burnt and carries a premium when disposed of to landfill.
The European and UK waste regulations aim to reduce the amount of reusable timber that ends up in landfill, chipped or – as in the case for much ex-marine timber – being burnt due to its high level of metal contaminants.

The Forest Stewardship Council® is a global certification system that promotes responsible timber reclamation and procurement best practice. By choosing an FSC® certified reclamation partner such as Ashwells you show that your project salvage policies comply with the highest sustainability standards.

The Forest Stewardship Council® is a global certification system that promotes responsible timber reclamation and procurement best practice. By choosing an FSC certified reclamation partner such as Ashwells you show that your project salvage policies comply with the highest sustainability standards.
Stay compliant and unlock the value of timber salvage in refurbishment, renovation and demolition projects.
A bite sized guide to the process of timber reclamation from UK marine and river structures including groyne piling, planking, wharfing, decking and more.